Welcome to STAN World

STAN was created in 2010 with the intention of exchanging knowledge, business contacts and experiences and to continually update the range and quality of services available to youth and educational travelers.

STAN is an International Network whose aim is to appoint one representative (DMC) in each country, whose main activities include youth, student and special interest travel programs.

Founding Members

AIONAS TRAVELCyprusMr Demetris Nikolaou

GOES TRAVELSpainMs Sandra Angulo

HELLAS VACANCESGreeceMr Dimitris Lambropoulos

The most reliable network for student and youth travel
Contact STANinfo@studentravel.eu / www.studentravel.eu
Aionas Travel
Überland Reisen Berlin GmbH
Unitas Rejser
Uniq Africa Travel